Day Six

Video Editing

Today, we first have a lesson about digital story-telling. From this class, I learned about how digital story-telling is used in class. according to my comprehansion, I think that digital story-telling can be used when children are tired and are not able to focus their attention. a proper digital story-telling can attract children’s attention and make them focus on your class again. We do a project about this, and I learn some skills of speaking from our project, because we have to talk to the public and completely show our confidence.

In the afternoon, Dr. Wang asked us to continue editing our video and choose our own tool. I still chose the powtoon because it is very easy to use. This time, I tried to add my voice into my video. I record my voice track, and add it into my music track. During this process, I have to calculate my time in every second. The internet is always too slow and it makes me failed many times. But finally, I find my own way to solve my problem, and finish my video before class over.

For those who want to use video in their classes, My suggestion is that you should try. You must find the way by yourselves, and finally, you will find a most sultable tool for yourselves.

In my opinion, this video project met the second standard of the ISTE standards. Because this project ensure all the student to presue their individual thoughts, and all the students decide their own learning models. This can also develop their own learning experience, too. I believe students will benefit from it during his or her whole life.

My experience about this class
